Topline RV Trailer Sales

Located near the heart of the RV manufacturing capitol. Topline's mission is to ensure each customer receives quality insight and service. Topline is dedicated to showcasing only the highest quality camping units and is proud to be dealer specific to RD Trailers manufactured units only.

Indiana scenery from drone view.

Partners since


At Topline RV Trailer Sales, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service and high-quality trailers. As a family-owned and operated business, we take great pride in our work and strive to exceed our customers' expectations.

Phone #
8550 Lincoln HWY, Plymouth, IN 46563
Business Hours
Eastern Daylight Time
6:00 AM - 2:00PM
6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
6:00 AM - 2:00 PM
6:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Available Models

Checkout our available RDT teardrop models below!

Financing Opportunity

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5 year Bumper to Hitch Warranty


Topline RV Trailer Sales

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Mike & Pam Stanhope

Just wanted to reach out and say thank you for all the help with purchasing our Transformer trailer this weekend. Your enthusiasm and knowledge of the product definitely helped with our purchase! We are excited to receive our trailer in the upcoming days and even more excited to head out on the open road. I have looked at so many different trailers and yours definitely stood out with quality and value. We first saw the trailer last year and loved it but the upgrades that have been done make this one perfect for us!